
Bobby King

我家前院有一个花坛,我把它叫做 "Jess 边界"。之所以叫这个名字,是因为这个花坛是我和女儿一起布置的,每年花坛中间总会有一大片向日葵。 向日葵是 Jess 最喜欢的花。

和今年我的其他花圃一样,这里也长满了杂草。 我整理了一下,并添加了覆盖物,但最令人担忧的是边缘。 无论我如何在边缘开沟,都会有一根杂草从我们的草坪杂草丛生的地方长出来(它是绿色的,看起来像草坪,但草是其中最不常见的!)。

我不想一遍又一遍地开沟,所以投资购买了一些 Vigaro 镶边条。 我在花园的其他地方也用过这种镶边条,用剪草机修剪起来非常方便,还能很好地防止杂草生长。 此外,这种镶边条还带有扇形边缘,非常美观。

镶边条是可翻转的,以 6 英寸为单位相互交错。 整套镶边条有 20 英尺长。 我是在家得宝(Home Depot)买的,20 英尺大约 14 美元。 这条镶边条用了两箱。

要完成这个项目,您还需要一个橡胶锤(关联链接)。 这个橡胶锤可以将塑料镶边敲入地下,但不会对它们造成任何损坏。 我几年前买了一个,一直用它来敲这种类型的镶边以及植物桩和其他塑料花园直立物品。

这是我开始种草前的样子。 这棵杂草生命力很强,我一个半月前才在这条边挖了沟。 边界的四面都长满了杂草。

See_also: 绳缠彩蛋 - 农舍复活节装饰项目

首先,我用铲子的顶端沿着沟槽边缘挖,这样做有两个好处:一是可以方便地放置边角料,二是可以将边缘的杂草割掉,便于清除。 镶边可以单块插入,也可以在插入前用橡皮锤将其拼接起来。 对于长的直边,我用了四块拼接起来。 如果有轻微的弧度,我就用了几块。 成对拼接会更快。

在拐角处,我一次只敲一块。 这种镶边的真正优点之一是它非常灵活。 较长的塑料镶边也会弯曲,但你有整个大面积可以使用。 这些镶边以 6 英寸为一节,非常容易操作。

See_also: 培根阿尔弗雷德鸡肉比萨

只需边走边敲打,最后就会形成一个美观的边缘,非常适合防止草和杂草长到边界上。 边界的这一部分是最宽的区域,这里的边缘看起来非常漂亮,使床铺更加圆润。

完成的边框,四周都有镶边。 边框里再也没有杂草了,我也不用再挖沟了!现在我就等着向日葵开花了。

您在花园边框中使用哪种边框? 请在下面留言。

Bobby King
Bobby King
Jeremy Cruz is an accomplished author, gardener, cooking enthusiast, and DIY expert. With a passion for all things green and a love for creating in the kitchen, Jeremy has dedicated his life to sharing his knowledge and experiences through his popular blog. Having grown up in a small town surrounded by nature, Jeremy developed an early appreciation for gardening. Over the years, he has honed his skills in plant care, landscaping, and sustainable gardening practices. From cultivating a variety of herbs, fruits, and vegetables in his own backyard to offering invaluable tips, advice, and tutorials, Jeremy's expertise has helped numerous gardening enthusiasts create stunning and thriving gardens of their own.Jeremy's love for cooking stems from his belief in the power of fresh, homegrown ingredients. With his extensive knowledge of herbs and vegetables, he seamlessly combines flavors and techniques to create mouthwatering dishes that celebrate nature's bounty. From hearty soups to delectable mains, his recipes inspire both seasoned chefs and kitchen novices to experiment and embrace the joys of homemade meals.Coupled with his passion for gardening and cooking, Jeremy's DIY skills are unparalleled. Whether it's building raised beds, constructing intricate trellises, or repurposing everyday objects into creative garden decor, Jeremy's resourcefulness and knack for problem-solving shine through his DIY projects. He believes that everyone can become a handy craftsman and enjoys helping his readers turn their ideas into reality.With a warm and approachable writing style, Jeremy Cruz's blog is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical advice for gardening enthusiasts, food lovers, and DIY enthusiasts alike. Whether you're a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced individual looking to expand your skills, Jeremy's blog is the ultimate go-to resource for all your gardening, cooking, and DIY needs.