
Bobby King

澳大利亚浸 沙丁鱼 多年生草本植物坚固耐用,易于种植。 它们的羽扇豆般的尖顶花朵非常引人注目,叶片也能带来四季的趣味。 它们还经常被称为野生蓝靛。


我曾多次将原来的小植株的分株移植到我的花园里,现在我的许多花园花坛里都有几丛非常大的小植株。 它很快就长成了一棵完整的灌木。

大多数人种植巴蒂仙人掌是因为它的花朵吸引眼球,有白色、蓝色、黄色和紫色,但花朵只是其吸引力的一部分。 巴蒂仙人掌生命力顽强,几乎完全没有病虫害,即使在花谢之后也有很长的观赏期。


See_also: 蝴蝶灌木是很好的切花材料



See_also: Echeveria Neon Breakers - 种植这种神奇的多肉植物,增添绚丽色彩
  • 洗盆草喜欢干燥的土壤,对土壤的酸碱度并不特别在意,不过它似乎喜欢至少有点酸性的土壤(在杜鹃花和绣球花附近种植效果很好,它们也喜欢酸性土壤)。
  • 您可以从种子开始种植洗盆草,但它们开花有点慢,所以分株或小植株是更好的方法。 分株后,植物会受到一些冲击,但如果您在分株后修剪它们并重新种植,它们很快就会恢复。 它们有直根,所以分株可能有点麻烦。
  • 成熟的灌木丛可以长到 3 或 4 英尺高、宽。
  • 这种植物不需要剪去花头,这为花园节省了大量时间。
  • 第三季才可能开花,但叶片非常有趣。
  • 浸染草可以扦插繁殖,而不是分株繁殖。
  • 在北卡罗来纳州,我很少浇水。
  • 花后对植株进行适当修剪(最好在秋季进行),以免植株过于高大。

多年生植物协会将 Baptisia Australis(又名假蓝靛)评为 2010 年的年度植物。

Bobby King
Bobby King
Jeremy Cruz is an accomplished author, gardener, cooking enthusiast, and DIY expert. With a passion for all things green and a love for creating in the kitchen, Jeremy has dedicated his life to sharing his knowledge and experiences through his popular blog. Having grown up in a small town surrounded by nature, Jeremy developed an early appreciation for gardening. Over the years, he has honed his skills in plant care, landscaping, and sustainable gardening practices. From cultivating a variety of herbs, fruits, and vegetables in his own backyard to offering invaluable tips, advice, and tutorials, Jeremy's expertise has helped numerous gardening enthusiasts create stunning and thriving gardens of their own.Jeremy's love for cooking stems from his belief in the power of fresh, homegrown ingredients. With his extensive knowledge of herbs and vegetables, he seamlessly combines flavors and techniques to create mouthwatering dishes that celebrate nature's bounty. From hearty soups to delectable mains, his recipes inspire both seasoned chefs and kitchen novices to experiment and embrace the joys of homemade meals.Coupled with his passion for gardening and cooking, Jeremy's DIY skills are unparalleled. Whether it's building raised beds, constructing intricate trellises, or repurposing everyday objects into creative garden decor, Jeremy's resourcefulness and knack for problem-solving shine through his DIY projects. He believes that everyone can become a handy craftsman and enjoys helping his readers turn their ideas into reality.With a warm and approachable writing style, Jeremy Cruz's blog is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical advice for gardening enthusiasts, food lovers, and DIY enthusiasts alike. Whether you're a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced individual looking to expand your skills, Jeremy's blog is the ultimate go-to resource for all your gardening, cooking, and DIY needs.