
Bobby King

最近,我邀请《园艺厨师》的 Facebook 粉丝提交他们的 最喜欢的花盆


说到跳出普通花盆的框框,"园艺厨神 "的粉丝们可谓别出心裁。

See_also: 自制糖醋混合料


您有喜欢的花盆要与大家分享吗? 我的 Facebook 主页粉丝们就有。


来自 钻石维多利亚 仙人掌和多肉植物的绝佳花盆!

See_also: 瘦身烤根菜

凯莉熊 她分享了这组花盆,在她的花园里形成了一个很好的隐蔽区。

这些花盆真漂亮,还有小桌子、海星和鸟笼作为点缀,我太喜欢了,谢谢你们的分享。 利芬 .

凯西亚 在母亲节之际,她用儿子的旧牛仔裤为继母和岳母制作了这些可爱的蓝色牛仔裤花盆。 真是一份特别的礼物!

如果你喜欢蓝色牛仔裤花盆,这是我在 The New Girl on The Blog 上找到的另一个可爱创意。 太可爱了。

这真是一个乡村风格的系列。 从页面粉丝分享 利芬 我喜欢这样的布置,风向标也是一个很好的补充!

在粉刷墙壁上种植多肉植物和其他小玩意儿的木屐,你能有多大创意? 感谢园艺烹饪页面的粉丝 雷内 .

马琳 马琳用大小不同的花盆做了这个分层花盆。 我喜欢最上面的那些菖蒲!这个想法的另一个版本是 "颠倒花盆"。

阿曼达 分享了她的吉他变花盆,里面长出了常春藤!花园里的音乐是我最喜欢的主题。

贝丝 这个许愿池花盆真漂亮!我喜欢黄色和绿色的郁金香!

来自 贝丝 - 用自行车做花盆很不错,栅栏上的彩绘锯子也给画面增添了许多趣味!

这是我最喜欢的分享之一 菲丽丝 Phyllis 决定用高尔夫球袋做花盆!您可以点击她的博客链接查看她制作花盆的教程。

Bobby King
Bobby King
Jeremy Cruz is an accomplished author, gardener, cooking enthusiast, and DIY expert. With a passion for all things green and a love for creating in the kitchen, Jeremy has dedicated his life to sharing his knowledge and experiences through his popular blog. Having grown up in a small town surrounded by nature, Jeremy developed an early appreciation for gardening. Over the years, he has honed his skills in plant care, landscaping, and sustainable gardening practices. From cultivating a variety of herbs, fruits, and vegetables in his own backyard to offering invaluable tips, advice, and tutorials, Jeremy's expertise has helped numerous gardening enthusiasts create stunning and thriving gardens of their own.Jeremy's love for cooking stems from his belief in the power of fresh, homegrown ingredients. With his extensive knowledge of herbs and vegetables, he seamlessly combines flavors and techniques to create mouthwatering dishes that celebrate nature's bounty. From hearty soups to delectable mains, his recipes inspire both seasoned chefs and kitchen novices to experiment and embrace the joys of homemade meals.Coupled with his passion for gardening and cooking, Jeremy's DIY skills are unparalleled. Whether it's building raised beds, constructing intricate trellises, or repurposing everyday objects into creative garden decor, Jeremy's resourcefulness and knack for problem-solving shine through his DIY projects. He believes that everyone can become a handy craftsman and enjoys helping his readers turn their ideas into reality.With a warm and approachable writing style, Jeremy Cruz's blog is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical advice for gardening enthusiasts, food lovers, and DIY enthusiasts alike. Whether you're a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced individual looking to expand your skills, Jeremy's blog is the ultimate go-to resource for all your gardening, cooking, and DIY needs.