杂货袋分发器教程--超级简单的 DIY 项目

杂货袋分发器教程--超级简单的 DIY 项目
Bobby King

这个 DIY 杂货袋分发器 教程让我有地方存放用过的塑料袋,而且制作起来也超级简单。


它们有如此多的用途,购物回来就扔掉实在太可惜了。 但保持它们的整洁也是个问题。


在改造之前,我有一个很大的布袋,用来装我的杂货袋。 这是我几年前做的,它能装下很多杂货袋,而且效果很好。




See_also: 试验花园 - 试验各种植物和花卉

是时候做这个了 杂货袋分配器!

本文包含联盟链接,为您的手工体验提供帮助。 制作这个分配器所需的东西很少,我只需要:

  • 一个空的品客罐头
  • Duro 喷胶
  • 一张 12 x 12 的剪贴簿纸。 我为这个容器选择了秋天的南瓜图案,但选择权在你。
  • 盒式切割机
  • 剪刀

我首先测量了 Pringles 罐的长度,然后反转剪贴簿纸,画出一条剪裁线。

现在长度已经确定,我需要测量宽度。 我把纸缠在 Pringles 罐头上,然后在两端各剪一小段。


最后,我在每个剪切边上都损失了大约 2 3/4 英寸的纸张。


现在有趣的部分来了,看看你能把多少个袋子装进罐子里!我成功地把将近 25 个袋子装进了罐子里。 一个好办法是把每个袋子的底部穿过下面一个袋子的把手。

这个有趣的 YouTube 视频展示了如何做到这一点。


See_also: 11 种减肥与健康的食品和饮料替代品

这个巧妙的 DIY 杂货袋分发器 这个项目只用了大约 15 分钟就完成了,而且看起来非常有季节性!其中一个有趣的地方是,我可以随时更换剪贴簿纸,只需更换剪贴簿纸,就能获得另一种季节性的外观!

我迫不及待地想在圣诞节时使用雪人冬季剪贴簿纸!或者到那时,我可能会有另一个 Pringles 罐,最后会有两个杂物袋分配器!


拿上你的剪贴簿纸、喷胶和一个旧的品客罐子,开始做手工吧。 你的作品也会很快完成的!

您用什么方法把杂货店的塑料袋整理得井井有条? 请在下方评论中告诉我!

如需了解更多有趣的项目,请务必访问我的 Pinterest DIY Board。

Bobby King
Bobby King
Jeremy Cruz is an accomplished author, gardener, cooking enthusiast, and DIY expert. With a passion for all things green and a love for creating in the kitchen, Jeremy has dedicated his life to sharing his knowledge and experiences through his popular blog. Having grown up in a small town surrounded by nature, Jeremy developed an early appreciation for gardening. Over the years, he has honed his skills in plant care, landscaping, and sustainable gardening practices. From cultivating a variety of herbs, fruits, and vegetables in his own backyard to offering invaluable tips, advice, and tutorials, Jeremy's expertise has helped numerous gardening enthusiasts create stunning and thriving gardens of their own.Jeremy's love for cooking stems from his belief in the power of fresh, homegrown ingredients. With his extensive knowledge of herbs and vegetables, he seamlessly combines flavors and techniques to create mouthwatering dishes that celebrate nature's bounty. From hearty soups to delectable mains, his recipes inspire both seasoned chefs and kitchen novices to experiment and embrace the joys of homemade meals.Coupled with his passion for gardening and cooking, Jeremy's DIY skills are unparalleled. Whether it's building raised beds, constructing intricate trellises, or repurposing everyday objects into creative garden decor, Jeremy's resourcefulness and knack for problem-solving shine through his DIY projects. He believes that everyone can become a handy craftsman and enjoys helping his readers turn their ideas into reality.With a warm and approachable writing style, Jeremy Cruz's blog is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical advice for gardening enthusiasts, food lovers, and DIY enthusiasts alike. Whether you're a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced individual looking to expand your skills, Jeremy's blog is the ultimate go-to resource for all your gardening, cooking, and DIY needs.