
Bobby King


想为朋友们准备一顿特别的午餐吗? 试试这道美味的千层面三明治食谱吧。

千层面是我最喜欢的美食之一。 我喜欢千层面的层层美味组合在一起的感觉。 但是,千层面的准备和烹饪需要很长时间。 这个 "千层面三明治 "让我在三明治中感受到了千层面的味道,做起来又快又简单,而且味道非常棒。

基本上,你可以根据自己的喜好来制作三明治,只要确保使用多种配料即可。 这就是千层面的魅力所在--所有这些美味层层叠加。 我有点想吃 BLT,所以我用这些口味制作了千层面三明治,并添加了一些牛油果,以获得有益于心脏健康的欧米茄脂肪。

制作这个食谱和制作烤奶酪三明治一样简单,只是多了几层。 先将配料铺在一半的面包上。

确保在所有面包片上都涂抹混合酱料。 然后融化黄油,将涂有黄油的一面朝下,将涂有黄油的一面朝上。 这样可以让所有面包同时均匀熟透(我通常先做好三明治,然后在面包快熟的时候翻面,让奶酪再融化一些)。

看看这个美味的三明治吧!奶酪融化在其他馅料上,味道好极了。 这可是个大块头--张大嘴巴!

在上面放上橄榄,再配上一些腌黄瓜或配菜沙拉,就是一顿简单又美味的饭菜了。 你会想一做再做!

See_also: 快速生长的连翘灌木为花园带来春色



See_also: 姜饼屋小窍门 - 制作姜饼屋的 15 个技巧



准备时间 5 分钟 烹饪时间 5 分钟 总时间 10 分钟


  • 1/8 杯酸奶油
  • 1 汤匙切碎的洋葱
  • 1 1/2 茶匙新鲜牛至
  • 粗盐
  • 4 块面包(任何脆皮面包都可以--我用的是芝麻面包)
  • 4 条培根,切半并煮熟
  • 4 片番茄
  • 2 片(宽)瑞士奶酪
  • 1/2 哈斯牛油果
  • 2 汤匙无盐黄油
  • 生菜
  • 橄榄作点缀


  1. 在一个小碗中加入牛至、盐、洋葱碎和酸奶油。 将混合物涂抹在面包片上。 然后在其中两片面包上铺上培根、番茄、牛油果片和奶酪。
  2. 加热大铁板或不粘锅,在锅中加入黄油,待其融化后将三明治放在烤盘上,准备好的一面黄油朝下,另一面面包酱汁朝上。
  3. 将三明治烤至微黄,装盘后翻面,继续烤至两面微黄,奶酪融化,必要时在平底锅中再加一点黄油。 用牙签在面包顶部固定一个橄榄,配上沙拉食用。

Bobby King
Bobby King
Jeremy Cruz is an accomplished author, gardener, cooking enthusiast, and DIY expert. With a passion for all things green and a love for creating in the kitchen, Jeremy has dedicated his life to sharing his knowledge and experiences through his popular blog. Having grown up in a small town surrounded by nature, Jeremy developed an early appreciation for gardening. Over the years, he has honed his skills in plant care, landscaping, and sustainable gardening practices. From cultivating a variety of herbs, fruits, and vegetables in his own backyard to offering invaluable tips, advice, and tutorials, Jeremy's expertise has helped numerous gardening enthusiasts create stunning and thriving gardens of their own.Jeremy's love for cooking stems from his belief in the power of fresh, homegrown ingredients. With his extensive knowledge of herbs and vegetables, he seamlessly combines flavors and techniques to create mouthwatering dishes that celebrate nature's bounty. From hearty soups to delectable mains, his recipes inspire both seasoned chefs and kitchen novices to experiment and embrace the joys of homemade meals.Coupled with his passion for gardening and cooking, Jeremy's DIY skills are unparalleled. Whether it's building raised beds, constructing intricate trellises, or repurposing everyday objects into creative garden decor, Jeremy's resourcefulness and knack for problem-solving shine through his DIY projects. He believes that everyone can become a handy craftsman and enjoys helping his readers turn their ideas into reality.With a warm and approachable writing style, Jeremy Cruz's blog is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical advice for gardening enthusiasts, food lovers, and DIY enthusiasts alike. Whether you're a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced individual looking to expand your skills, Jeremy's blog is the ultimate go-to resource for all your gardening, cooking, and DIY needs.